The Anatomy of a Diamond

When we consider the anatomy of a diamond, we need to look for the three most important components which are diameter, table and the depth. As the cut grade is a different thing as every diamonds is unique with their structural features. The anatomy of a diamond or the basic structure you can define it with the proportions, dispersion, brilliance and scintillation. As each part of a diamond is specified with a name. Today we are here to help you with your perfect diamond.

A diamond is compared with the components which are defined as the diameter, crown, table, depth, pavilion, girdle and culet. Just make sure about the basics of a diamond’s anatomy before you purchase one. As they are defined.

the anatomy of a diamond

Diameter: The diameter of a polished diamond is measured through the girdle also we define it simply as edge to edge.

Crown: the crown is defined as the top part of a diamond that extends from the table to the girdle. As the facets of the crown is made up of star facets, upper girdle facets table facets and bezel facets.

Table: the table is defined to the polished facet that is located on the top of a diamond. As it is the largest facet of the diamond.

Depth: the depth is defined as the total height of the diamond which is measured from the culet to the table.

Pavilion: pavilion is defined as the bottom of a diamond that extends from the girdle and goes down to culet.

Girdle: the girdle of a diamond is defined as the perimeter of the diamond. Which is described as the widest edge of the diamond where the crown meets to the pavilion.

Culet: the culet is defined as the pointed facet which is the bottom part of the diamond.

Light Effect On A Diamond

The reflection of a diamond is effected with three proportions known as reflection, dispersion and refraction.

Reflection: when a diamond has a perfectly cut and polished, to the perfect proportions and symmetry then the light will enter the table of a diamond and reflect back and that gives you the sparkling effect on the diamond.

Dispersion: the dispersion is defined as the white light that separates into other different colors on the top of a diamond.

Refraction: Refraction is defined when the light enters and travels through the center of a diamond and reflects from the internal walls of the diamond.

Ideal Cut Of A Diamond

The ideal cut of a diamond are of three types such as shallow cut, ideal cut and the deep cut.

Shallow Cut: as shallow cut in a diamond gets the light to escape from the sides instead from the top. As this cut also make the diamond seems to be larger in size. And brings up the brilliance in the diamond.

Ideal Cut: ideal cut is defined as the correct proportions and symmetry of a diamond. This helps the light to reflect perfectly.

Deep Cut: if a diamond is cut deeper then it gets less bright. As the diamond is unable to reflect back the light through the table, and the appearance of the diamond seems to be exactly as a gemstone.

What Is A Diamond Symmetry?

When you grade a diamond the symmetry is very much important so you can define the cut grade of a diamond and this is effects the diamond pricing. For example, if you compare a diamond which has an excellent symmetry with a good symmetry and polish then the cost of the excellent symmetry gets 15% to 20% higher than a good symmetry diamond.

The symmetry is important for a diamond as it defines the alignment of a diamond, such as how the light is entering to a diamond and getting reflected back, as well as this creates the brilliance of a diamond. If you take a diamond which is not aligned well then the light gets less reflected and it creates a shadow on the diamond and make spots. As the symmetry grades the scale of a diamond that is excellent to poor.

  • What Is Inclusions And Blemishes Of A Diamond?

    Well, the clarity of a diamond is graded in based on how a diamond inclusions and blemishes are visible or how big it seems. As the blemish cause natural imperfection on the surface of the stone where the inclusions are the flaws that are naturally made within a diamond. As they are not occurred by the human errors or during the process of polishing.

Browse Javda's Top Diamond Shape

round shape diamond

Round Shape Diamond

Princess Cut diamond

Princess Cut Shape diamond

oval shape diamond

Oval Cut Shape Diamond

 pear shape diamond

Pear Cut Shape Diamond

emerald shape diamond

Emerald Cut Shape Diamond

marquise shape diamond

Marquise Cut Shape Diamond

cushion shape diamond

Cushion Shape Diamond

heart shape diamond

Heart Shape Diamond

asscher shape diamond

Asscher Cut Shape Diamond

radiant shape diamond

Radiant Cut Shape Diamond
