Why Are Lab Diamonds More Affordable Than Natural Diamonds?

By Admin |

You may have looked at the prices of diamonds. Or maybe you're shopping for diamond engagement ring or diamond jewelry in general. You've probably come across something new in your search: lab created diamonds.

First and foremost, are lab-grown diamonds affordable? And, if so, why are lab-grown diamonds less expensive?

Lab grown diamonds are cheaper than natural diamonds, they are genuine and ethical. Let's look at why lab grown diamonds are less expensive than mined diamonds.

Why are lab diamonds more affordable than natural diamonds
What is the origin of diamonds

What is the Origin of Diamonds?

Earth-mined diamonds, also known as Natural stones, are mined directly from the core of the earth. They form deep within the mantle under extreme heat and pressure. This geological process is what gives natural diamonds their distinct properties.

Lab-grown diamonds are manufactured in a carefully controlled laboratory environment that mimics the natural circumstances for diamond production. The two processes used to make lab grown diamonds are chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and high pressure high temperature (HPHT) synthesis. Carbon atoms form diamond crystals through intense heat and pressure, just like in nature. Lab-grown diamonds are made in a lab, but they are exactly the same as natural diamonds in every way.

How Are Lab grown Diamonds Made?

Laboratory diamonds are produced in a controlled environment that replicates how diamonds are formed naturally beneath the Earth's mantle. Lab diamonds are created using two methods: CVD (chemical vapor deposition) and HPHT (high pressure high temperature). Both procedures produce high quality, real diamonds that are identical to those found in nature.

CVD uses a diamond seed in a chamber with carbon-rich gases, heated to 800 degrees Celsius. The gases stick to the seed, and a diamond grows little by little. The procedure is essentially a sped-up replica of what occurs beneath the earth's crust.

How are lab grown diamonds made3

During HPHT, pure carbon is squeezed within a metal cube and subjected to enormous heat and pressure via electric pulses. The carbon eventually degrades and crystallizes into a diamond. Metal traces within an HPHT diamond are often tiny and not visible to the naked eye.

Most experts think that HPHT diamonds are of higher quality than CVD diamonds. CVD diamonds grow quickly, which can result in imperfect internal markings and graining. CVD diamonds can look brown and need treatment after they are made to look better. HPHT diamonds are often created to a better level, with no post-growth treatment required.

Are lab grown diamonds real diamonds

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Real Diamonds?

Yes, absolutely. Natural diamonds are physically and chemically like lab grown diamonds. The differences between the two are so slight that only expert gemologists and specialized equipment can detect them.

Diamonds develop when carbon is squeezed under extreme pressure and heat.

Diamonds can form underground or in a lab. Natural and lab grown diamonds are both made of carbon crystals. The FTC (federal trade commission) says a diamond is a diamond, whether made in a lab or found in the ground.

GIA and IGI grade diamond certifications of lab-grown and natural diamonds using the same methods, based on the 4Cs. The grading labs cannot differentiate between Lab Grown and Natural Diamonds in terms of Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight. Each stone is graded based on its unique characteristics. They grade each stone based on its own distinct characteristics.

Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

Explore the difference between lab diamonds vs real diamonds and which is better for your diamond rings or wedding ring. For generations, diamonds have been a symbol of love and commitment. When choosing an engagement or wedding ring, it is important to consider whether natural diamonds or lab-grown diamonds are better. This decision should take into account the increased demand and popularity of lab-grown diamonds.

The naked eye cannot determine if a diamond has been lab created. Even experienced gemologists require highly specialized equipment to differentiate between lab grown and mined diamonds.

Lab grown diamonds vs natural diamonds


The major difference between lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds is their origin. Natural diamonds develop deep under the earth's mantle over millions of years, whereas lab grown diamonds are made in a laboratory. However, in terms of physical and chemical properties, lab created diamonds are almost comparable to natural diamonds. They are chemically identical, have the same crystal structure, and have the same physical properties.


Lab-grown diamonds are usually less expensive than natural diamonds of equivalent shape size and quality. The lab grown diamond prices are continually changing. Lab diamonds were about 25% more expensive than natural diamonds five years ago. Natural diamonds, on the other hand, are now substantially more expensive.

It is because creating lab grown diamonds does not require costly mining operations or the same rarity as natural diamonds. You can get a bigger or better lab-grown diamond shape for the same cost. It is comparable to a smaller or lower quality mined diamond.


Another difference is the ethical concerns. Natural diamond mining can be harmful to the environment, and certain diamond mines have been accused of human rights crimes. Lab-grown diamonds are a better choice as they don't harm the environment or involve human rights issues.



Yes. Many individuals choose to buy a lab grown diamonds over natural diamonds since they are less expensive.

The laboratory-grown diamond market is changing the jewelry landscape. This market area provides ethical and affordable alternatives to natural diamonds. It achieves this by combining innovative technology, eco-friendly practices, and the timeless allure of types of diamonds.

Lab grown diamonds are often half the price of natural diamonds. When compared to lab grown diamonds, natural diamonds are more expensive but retain their worth over time.

This is because to the far more complex supply chain of natural diamonds, which includes mining, polishing, and importing. These challenges do not affect lab grown diamonds, their supply chain is more efficient, and they cost less to grow.

The choice between a lab-grown diamond and a natural diamond is totally up to you and what you value. Still not sure? Speak with an expert. Javda Jewelry helps you with everything, from picking a diamond to designing and protecting it.

Purchasing a diamond-encrusted piece of fine jewelry should be an unforgettable experience. Choose a diamond from Javda Jewlery for a brilliant, durable, and ethical piece.